Virtus Emilbanca Bologna under-19 qualifies for Final Eight of IBSA Next Gen Cup 2024/2025
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Virtus Emilbanca Bologna under-19 qualifies for Final Eight of IBSA Next Gen Cup 2024/2025

Rimini –


Virtus Emilbanca Bologna is back among the top 8 teams in Italy. Coach Mattia Largo’s under-19 team defeated Napoli 57-69, thus gaining qualification for the Final Eight to be held in Brescia from February 21-23. After the excellent concentration in Varese, which Virtus had finished in first place, in this weekend’s concentration in Rimini the bianconeri after two losses against Pistoia and Scafati (the latter on the wire), achieved the victory that allowed them to detach the pass for the final phase. The Accorsi-Lenci pair was decisive: 25 points and 8 rebounds for the former, 24 points for the latter.