Ethical Code
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Ethical Code

Bologna, October 26th –

Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna has reached an important milestone in a virtuous path aimed at raising and strengthening the levels of transparency, correctness and compliance that already characterized the organization and the work of the Company.
The Club, assisted in the operation by the BRB Law Firm of Bologna (in particular by attorneys Biancamaria Ricci, Stefano Bruno and Gino Bottiglioni), is proud to be one of the first Italian basketball clubs to have adopted a 231 Model and a Code of Ethics.
By complying with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001, the Company intends to further demonstrate the full compatibility between professional sports and legality, implementing the best practices that have always guided and animated the world of sports and basketball in particular.

VIRTUS_Parte Generale con sistema disciplinare


VIRTUS-Codice etico